
Eppernepperhart wants to kill terrorists in the worst way today. He apparently saw the footage of the beheading of the prisoner over there. He is really pissed. Not that I am saying that it doesn't piss me off...it does. It does not, however, make me want to kill people. Maybe I can blame that on testosterone. I will...when all else fails, blame testosterone.

I checked on line today and Mr. Financial Aid Website says that I should be getting money tomorrow. This is a shock and a blessing. I wasn't expecting it until October and I don't even know why I felt the need to check it today, but I am super glad that I did because it turns out, I will only be broke for the rest of today! WOOHOO! It is a damn good thing, because if I don't get to go shopping soon...I might explode.

Section for Brandy:
Where in the hell are you? HUH? First you leave me messages telling me that I am a bitch, THEN you have your friends leave me messages telling me that I am a bitch because I haven't called and NOW. Now you have fallen off of the planet and I have not spoken to you in a very long time. You, Brandy, are the bitch!!! YOU HEARD ME!!! I am going to call you one more time...and after that, if you ever want to see your collection of SWANK magazines again, you better fucking call me back...and that's all I have to say about that. BI-ATCH.
Now that that has been said...I am going to go outside, in the rain, and smoke my face off because there is no one to hang out with on my lunch break. Normal people don't wait all day to go to lunch...just me...blah...

1 comment:

Jon said...

Everyone knows "Black Tail" is MUCH better than "Swank."

They should call it "Skank"