
Trapped in a box...

I spent last night with my roommate, a bottle of wine, and the lovely bitches of Sex and the City. I never had any desire to watch that show when it started airing…perhaps because I was seventeen and none of it really applied to my life at all…but sometime since the series has ended, I have really started to like it. In fact, in the past two weeks I have bought the complete first and second seasons on DVD. I think I am addicted. And I must say Fat Bastard Shiraz is some tasty stuff!

I did buy the new Ben Harper/Blind Boys CD last night and it is incredible. There are some albums that just…feel like home. This is one of them. Of course, I can’t say that there is anything that Ben has done thus far that I don’t like…but this album is really, really good. I am a huge fan of southern gospel though, and those Blind Boys give me chills. I will stop ranting and raving about that though. Just thought it was worth mentioning.
I am getting really bitter about school now. I am getting pretty tired of all of this extra stuff that I do. I don’t have time to think anymore. And I don’t have enough money to have any other choice. It is really frustrating to want to do so much and not have the means to do anything at all. Paris Hilton can kiss my ass. She has the means to do whatever she wants and all she does is get hair extensions and run around like a whore all the time. She makes me want to vomit

Rick, I don't know if you ever read this...but you are about to get cut!

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