
Today, I had a meeting with HR about my sexual harassment issue. Let me just start from the beginning, IN SEPTEMBER, there was the issue with the patient’s husband who felt the need to first, hit on me, and then tell me that he had an erection. This was one of the most humiliating things that has ever happened to me, and those of you who know me, know that I usually let things roll off my back, but this…this was enough to really, really piss me off. So anyway, I reported it to my supervisor, who then reported it to our administrator, who we then met with, where she assured me that this idiot would not be allowed in the building anymore and that she would be taking care of it promptly. Promptly being the operative word…

Needless to say, it has become very obvious to me over the past TWO MONTHS that this man’s erection really isn’t so much a concern for the people in charge here. My administrator, has not done a damn thing about it, despite the emails from my supervisor and myself regarding the status. So, I called HR.

I met this morning with one of the pretentious snobs in HR. She took down my story, (which I am sure she “filed” as soon as I left her office) and then lectured me about my tongue piercing to add insult to injury. Now, basically, what it sounded like she was saying was, “You can get sexually harassed all you want, but don’t you DARE get your tongue pierced!” I find it to be severely fucked up that I have worked here for five years and some pervert can come in here and say whatever the hell he wants to me and no one gives a shit. Lovely. It always amazes me that this is actually my life.

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