
Today, I want to pull a Sylvia Plath and stick my head in an oven.

Do you ever do things that make you look like such a complete asshole that you want to just move away or, like, hibernate for a year? Evidently, I do and I can’t even talk about it.

On the upside, my coat has been located.

Tonight, I am supposed to go out to dinner with uber-persistent boy from work for my birthday. I really don’t want to see anyone. I really don’t want to do anything. And I really don’t want to eat these two dozen cookies that Mel just gave me. I am thinking about turning my phone off again and just hiding out until after Christmas. Is that unreasonable?

The complete first season of “21 Jump Street” is out on DVD and I just found out. How could this happen?! How could I not have known?! I know, I know, I am a big freaking dork…but I was obsessed with that show when I was a kid. OBSESSED.
Well...Phone is now officially OFF.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Box of Rain"-The Grateful Dead

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