
The visit with Fish Head went swimmingly (heh…swimmingly…Fish Head…geddit? Cause fish swim?) and turned out to be a visit with Jay as well.

1. Got to watch Mikey attempt the Napoleon Dynamite Dance after several rum and cokes. (Probably one of the funniest spectacles…ever.)
2. Pillow fight at 6am.
3. Random people from high school.
4. People sleeping all over my apartment.
5. Three hours of sleep.
6. Loop of bad song stuck in my head for 24 hours. (Thanks to FH)
7. Much to his dismay, NOT calling Jay “Big Poppa”.
8. An after bar breakfast at “The VI”.
9. Good conversation.
10. Trivial Pursuit…(even though, I may have answered ONE question correctly.)

As tired as it has made me, this week has been full of old friends and good talks. And more pillow fighting than I have experienced in quite a while.

I am still looking for a new apartment, although, I am discouraged because I don’t want to pay much more than I pay now. It is difficult to find something acceptable without living in an unfavorable area but someone that I haven’t seen in a while is in a bind and needs another roommate. Even though, I have said before that I didn’t want to have roommates again, I am considering it. Mainly because it would end up saving me money and also would not lock me in. I wouldn’t sign a lease and I wouldn’t be tied down to anything. I like the odds there.

This person though, might cause some friction between someone with whom my loyalties lie. I am weighing the options right now, and even though I have not mentioned the possibility to said person, I am anticipating that the outcome will not be great. The fact is though, I need something soon, and I need it to be something that I can afford and something that I can get out of if and when I need to. So, I can’t afford to rule anything out. Besides, I think that this being something that could potentially be a really good set up (AND I would have a pool and live in an actual HOUSE), I could make it work for a while. Something to think about.

I am totally dreading going to work tomorrow. Spliff seems to think that it would be in my best interest to skip it and go to Orlando and “act stupid”. Whether or not we would be acting is debatable.

*Sidenote: “Beege got attacked. It is wrong and uncalled for.” -Spliff

1 comment:

wmjwatson said...

Go to Orlando and DON'T act stupid, then. Why is this a hard debate? Is what you do REALLY that important? Life and death important? If you take a day off, you gonna be fired? Has it only been a week since your LAST unscheduled day off? If you answered "no" to at least 5/6 of those, you should definitely go!
That's my opinion, anyway.